Wei Chen is an Associate Professor of Operations and Information Management (OPIM) at the School of Business, University of Connecticut. He is also the academic director of the UConn Digital Frontiers Initiative, which aims to facilitate collaborations between industry and academia, with a current emphasis on the business applications of generative AI.

Wei's research studies platforms & crowds, financial technologies (FinTech), and the design and governance of generative AI. Utilizing theoretical models and granular data, he seeks to provide rigorous evidence to inform system and market design in these areas. His work has been published in leading academic journals, such as Management Science, Information Systems Research, and MIS Quarterly.

Executive Workshop on GenAI

What's New



  • Aug 23 Joined the UConn School of Business as an Associate Professor in the Operations and Information Management Department, with an additional appointment as the Academic Director of the Connecticut Information Technology Institute.
  • Apr 28 Obtained my tenure letter from the University of Arizona.